Rightangled kokemuksia 2025

  • Diet & Nutrition
  • Terveys & hyvinvointi
Kirjoittanut 8. toukokuuta 2020, Tony Loton
  • Diet & Nutrition
  • Terveys & hyvinvointi

Rightangled Overview: Actionable Insights from DNA and Lifestyle Analysis

To attain your diet and fitness goals, it’s essential to adopt a holistic approach that incorporates both genetics and lifestyle factors. Rightangled provides a solution that embodies this approach. You simply provide a DNA sample and complete a lifestyle questionnaire, and your information is carefully assessed by experts. The outcome is a detailed report that not only includes an 8-week training program but also offers personalized suggestions for self-improvement.

In 2017, Rightangled’s Heart DNA test was seed-funded by the UK’s world-renowned National Health Service (NHS). Rightangled also boasts about being the only DNA testing company that is regulated by the Care Quality Commission, which is the independent regulator and inspector of all healthcare services in England.

But just how much does this company deserve to brag? What are its advantages and where could it do some improving? I’ll share the highlights and lowlights of my personal experience.

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How Rightangled Works

Although based in the UK, the company ensures worldwide shipping and return of their tests.

I was pleasantly surprised when the kit arrived at my UK address. The packaging is sleek and compact, cleverly designed to fit right through the letter slot, so you won’t miss its delivery. Once I removed the outer shrinkwrap, I noticed that the box serves as a convenient return package as well, complete with a prepaid label already attached. Inside, you’ll find just three components: a plastic tube containing a cheek swab and a concise set of instructions.

Rightangled's Sample Submission Package and Instructions

Many DNA companies make the sample collection process too complicated, with lots of individually wrapped components to disassemble and then to try to reassemble after following the complex collection instructions. In comparison, Rightangled takes the right approach to simple sample collection.

Before you collect your cheek-swab sample, you’ll be prompted to register your test kit and complete a comprehensive online questionnaire. This questionnaire covers a range of topics, so be prepared to invest some time in filling it out. It’s divided into sections like General Questions, which inquire about details such as your height and weight, Fitness Questions, assuming you engage in exercise, and Heart Questions, including whether you’re aware of your cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Once you’ve completed the questionnaire, you’ll gain access to the dashboard where your results will be displayed after you’ve collected and sent in your sample.

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Rightangled Products and Services

Rightangled has a few diet and fitness tests to choose from. The information is all tiered, which means the report from the Intolerance Test is also included in the Fitness DNA Test; and all of that information (plus the Heart DNA Test report) is bundled in the Wellness Pro report. Let’s take a look at each in turn.

Intolerance Test

Out of all of Rightangled’s diet and fitness tests, this is the most basic. That said, there’s still plenty of useful information that can help you live a healthier life.

Firstly, you’ll receive Body and Weight Management results (such as appetite, energy metabolism, sugar sensitivity, and glucose regulation). Similar to what we saw in the Heart DNA Test, you’ll first get a recap of what you wrote in your questionnaire. Afterward, you’ll discover whether you are more or less likely to experience certain conditions.

Knowledge is power. And discovering whether you could be predisposed to excess eating or lower energy metabolism could help you pinpoint the issue that is keeping you from losing weight.

Rightangled's Body and Weight Management Results

The Intolerance Test also includes Diet and Nutrition results, which tell you if you have sensitivities to things like caffeine, lactose, and alcohol. Again, the level of information is fairly basic but can be enlightening. For example, if you’ve been having digestion problems, this test could provide the answer as to why.

Rightangled's Diet and Nutrition Results

Fitness DNA Test

This test includes the same information from the Intolerance Test, plus some extras. The Exercise Response Results section, for example, focuses on your muscles and tendons, letting you know the best workouts and recovery exercises for your body.

Rightangled's Exercise Response Results

Just like a cardiologist reviewed my heart health report, a personal trainer reviewed my fitness results. Perhaps the most valuable portion of this section – in my opinion – was the eight-week diet and exercise plan that was put together just for me.

The results were definitely helpful and based both on my personal goals and my genetics. That said, the recommendations weren’t as specific or directive as some of the others that I have seen. For example, DNAfit’s “genetically guided training programs,” suggest actual exercises.

My Personalized 8-Week Training Program from Rightangled

Wellness Pro

I took the Wellness Pro test, which combines all of the elements of the aforementioned tests (i.e., Heart DNA Test, Intolerance Test, and Fitness DNA Test).

Since I’ve already gone over each of those tests in detail, there isn’t too much to add here. I would just note that it is possible with each of the tests, to book follow-up consultations with cardiologists, general medical practitioners, or personal trainers who have partnerships with Rightangled.

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Rightangled Pricing: Wellness Pro Is the Best Priced Test

Rightangled’s individual tests – the Intolerance Test, the Fitness DNA test, and the Heart DNA test are already priced pretty competitively compared with direct competitors, such as DNAfit and Vitagen-X. All of which will cost at least $100.

In my opinion, the real value is found in the Wellness Pro test, which combines elements of all three individual tests at hardly any extra cost.

Comparing the Features of Rightangled's Different Tests

Typically, it’s only health-related DNA tests that can be wholly or partially paid for by medical insurance, so – in this case – it’s only the Heart DNA kit that could be covered. Rightangled is partnered with a leading medical insurance provider, Bupa, so that doctors can request the Heart DNA test by sending a referral letter.

If you don’t want to go for the all-inclusive option at the outset, the other tests do allow you to unlock other reports at any time without having to take another test, but obviously not for free.

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Rightangled Customer Support: One Question Was Answered, One Went Unanswered

Rightangled prides itself on the quality of its aftercare, which takes various forms. Your results are reviewed by relevant professionals who consider your lifestyle factors as well as your DNA analysis, and you can book follow-up consultations with appropriate medical or fitness professionals via its portal.

While the company’s website offers informative content, I noticed a limited selection of frequently asked questions for self-support, and the blog isn’t updated as frequently as I would prefer. However, a visit to Rightangled’s Facebook page reveals additional contact options such as telephone, email, and other methods.

After submitting my sample and awaiting the results, I utilized the live chat feature to engage with a member of the support team. I inquired about the expected timeline for receiving my results and whether I could upload my 23andMe raw data in the interim.

Please note that it seems uploading raw DNA from 23andMe is no longer supported.

Initially, it looked like I would be answered by a bot, which asked for my email address. But then – surprisingly since it was before 9 am in the company’s UK location – I received an almost immediate reply from an agent.

Questions to Rightangled's Customer Support Team

The agent said that:

  • I should expect to receive my results within three to four weeks of the lab receiving my sample
  • I would be best advised to access the 23andMe raw DNA data upload service using a different email address (again, it doesn’t look like the website supports this feature anymore)

Around 11 days after sending in my sample, I was concerned that my dashboard was still showing “10% test completion – Registered kit and awaiting return to the lab.” So I asked about it:

Rightangled's Customer Support: Live Chat

I never received a reply to this request but was pleased to see that the progress moved to “50% test completion – Your genes have been decoded,” then “75% test completion – Results awaiting review by the specialist” over the next few days.

Beautifully Simple

Overall, I found everything about this DNA test to be beautifully simple. In many ways, Rightangled gets it right in terms of user experience. Both the website and test kit are intuitive and filled me with confidence. The results are visual and easy to understand. And, if you have questions, live chat support is easy to access.

My biggest complaint is that – depending on what you’re looking for – things might be a little too simple. For example, if you are interested in more than just your cardiovascular health, it might make sense to purchase a health test from Vitagen-X. Or, if you feel like you need more specific direction regarding your diet and fitness, DNAfit could be a better choice for you.

That said, if you have specific concerns about your heart health, this test can provide a lot of helpful information. (With the Wellness Pro test, you can also get a lot more information for just a little bit more cash.) Plus, having oversight from a cardiologist – and the ability to reach out to them with any questions or concerns – could be incredibly valuable.

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How accurate is the test?

Rightangled has partnered with ISO-accredited labs, all of which adhere to the highest standards of quality assurance. According to the company, this technology is at least 99.8% accurate, and measures are taken to limit the risk of both false-positive and false-negative results. After your report is run, it is also reviewed by a partner specialist who will include a personalized assessment and action plan. 

What countries is the test available in?

According to the website, the tests are available worldwide. When you are filling out shipping information on the checkout page, you’ll find that all countries are listed in a dropdown menu.

How much does the test cost?

Rightangled’s tests are competitively priced. You can purchase any of the individual tests (e.g., Heart DNA Test, Intolerance Test, Fitness DNA Test) for around $100. If you decide to purchase Wellness Pro, which combines the reports from all of the previously aforementioned tests, you’ll pay a bit more – but not much.

How does this test compare to betterknown competitors?

Rightangled contains similar reports to what you would get from DNAfit. The difference is that Rightangled is a fair amount cheaper – but also less detailed.

Other competitors, like Everlywell offer very specific tests instead of bundled packages; these also use blood samples to report on your body’s current levels as opposed to genetic predispositions.

Who should consider taking this test?

You should consider taking a test from Rightangled if you are particularly interested in your cardiovascular health (as opposed to a wider range of genetic conditions). You might also want to consider the Wellness Pro package if you have been struggling to meet and maintain your fitness goals. The eight-week personalized training plan combines factors from your lifestyle with your genetics, which can improve your chances of success.

Rightangled Products and Services: A Detailed Look

Rightangled offers a range of finger prick blood tests to provide individuals with valuable insights into their health. Here is an overview of some of the blood tests they offer:

  1. Female & Male Hormones: These tests assess the levels of hormones in the body, which can have an impact on mood, fertility, skin health, weight management, sex drive, and menstrual cycle regulation.
  2. Diabetes Test: This test measures the body’s insulin production, management, and storage levels. It is particularly useful for detecting blood sugar irregularities associated with diabetes.
  3. Thyroid Advance: The Thyroid Advance test evaluates thyroid function, which is crucial for metabolism, energy levels, and overall well-being.
  4. Wellness Man & Woman: Rightangled provides two distinct blood tests tailored for men and women. These tests provide specific information related to overall health and help individuals make informed decisions about their diet and exercise choices.
  5. Testosterone: The testosterone test measures testosterone levels in the body, which is essential for fitness, fertility, and overall hormonal balance in men.
  6. Vitamins Test (B9, B12, and D): This test identifies any deficiencies in important vitamins like B9 (folate), B12, and D, which are crucial for various bodily functions. The results can guide individuals in supplementing their vitamin intake for optimal body functions.
  7. Prostate Health: This test focuses on assessing the condition of the prostate gland and determining if there is a predisposition to diseases affecting the male reproductive system.
  8. Cholesterol Test: This test measures cholesterol levels, which are associated with various heart conditions. It helps individuals understand their cholesterol status and make necessary adjustments to their diet and lifestyle if irregularities are detected.
  9. STI: This test screens for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV, syphilis, and Chlamydia, providing individuals with important information about their sexual health.
  10. Female Fertility: The Female Fertility test offers essential information for individuals trying to conceive, considering egg donation, or seeking a better understanding of their menstrual cycle and fertility status.
  11. Fitness Health: This test evaluates the balance of body fluids and minerals, which is crucial for overall health and well-being. It provides individuals with necessary information to maintain the optimal balance.
  12. Balance Test: The Balance Test comprehensively analyzes the metabolism and activities of the kidneys and liver. Early detection of vulnerabilities in these organs can be critical for preventing various disease conditions.
  13. Iron Status: This test assesses the body’s iron composition, which is important for growth, development, hormone production, and the production of red blood cells. It helps determine if iron supplements are necessary.
  14. Immunity Health: This test evaluates the body’s immune system to assess its optimal functioning. It provides insights into whether additional supplements or immune boosters are needed.
  15. Hepatitis B & C: This test checks for the presence of hepatitis B and C, which are common causes of chronic liver infection. It helps individuals understand their predisposition to these infections.

These blood tests are designed to provide valuable information about various aspects of an individual’s health. Rightangled delivers the results online within a few days of the sample being received by the lab, presented in a table format with reference ranges. The results indicate if the values are within the normal range, with abnormal results highlighted by a red circle. It’s important to note that while these blood tests provide insights, they should not replace professional medical advice or diagnosis.

Heart DNA Test

The test results amalgamate your genetic predisposition to particular health conditions with self-reported data, including your family medical history, body weight, and cholesterol levels. This comprehensive dataset, encompassing both genetic and environmental factors, forms the basis of the cardiologist’s thorough evaluation.

The initial segment of the report provides a summary of the information you supplied along with your DNA sample. Reviewing this section is advisable to ensure the accuracy of the recorded data.

The next section is where things get interesting. In the Cardiac Screening Results section, you’ll see your likelihood of developing seven different heart-related conditions:

  1. Type III Hyperlipoproteinemia
  2. Atrial Fibrillation
  3. Coronary Artery Disease
  4. Hypertension
  5. Myocardial Infarction
  6. Peripheral Arterial Disease
  7. Sickle Cell Anemia

For each condition, there is a brief description, as well as an indication of whether your levels are typical or atypical (increased or decreased) compared to the average population.

Rightangled's Cardiac Screening Results

While there are more heart-related conditions covered in this report than some of the other big-name vendors out there – including AncestryDNA – the explanations were shorter and didn’t have as much actionable insight, in my opinion.

Moving right along.

The next section is all about your cholesterol. In addition to letting you know how your Triglycerides, HDL (good cholesterol), and LDL (bad cholesterol) levels compare to others, you’ll also get helpful suggestions for lifestyle and diet changes.

I was really interested in these recommendations as I am at a higher risk of having low levels of “good cholesterol,” which is not ideal. I found the “lifestyle interventions” a bit generic. Essentially, the report just reiterated how important it is to exercise and not be overweight. The dietary recommendations were more helpful, suggesting certain food groups to incorporate into my meal planning.

Rightangled's Cholesterol Test Results

The next section of the report goes into drug responses. This information could be incredibly helpful if you do need to treat things like high blood pressure. You’ll learn your sensitivity to and ability to metabolize different classes of drugs, such as calcium channel blockers and beta-blockers.

Rightangled's Drug Responses Results

Also included in your report is a note from the cardiologist that reviewed your particular results. The doctor did not include any additional recommendations for me. This just seems to be another opportunity to remind customers that this report should not take the place of a diagnosis and that I should always consult with my general practitioner before making any big life changes.

Recommendations from the Rightangled Cardiologist Who Reviewed My Report

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Similar Tests to Consider

Rightangled Pricing: Wellness Pro Is the Best Priced Test

Rightangled’s individual tests – the Intolerance Test, the Fitness DNA test, and the Heart DNA test are already priced pretty competitively compared with direct competitors, such as DNAfit and Vitagen-X. All of which will cost at least $100.

In my opinion, the real value is found in the Wellness Pro test, which combines elements of all three individual tests at hardly any extra cost.

Comparing the Features of Rightangled's Different Tests

Typically, it’s only health-related DNA tests that can be wholly or partially paid for by medical insurance, so – in this case – it’s only the Heart DNA kit that could be covered. Rightangled is partnered with a leading medical insurance provider, Bupa, so that doctors can request the Heart DNA test by sending a referral letter.

If you don’t want to go for the all-inclusive option at the outset, the other tests do allow you to unlock other reports at any time without having to take another test, but obviously not for free.

See Rightangled Deals

Rightangled Customer Support: One Question Was Answered, One Went Unanswered

Rightangled places a strong emphasis on the quality of its aftercare services, offering various forms of support. Your results undergo thorough review by relevant professionals who take into account both your DNA analysis and lifestyle factors. Additionally, you have the option to schedule follow-up consultations with suitable medical or fitness professionals through its online portal.

While the company’s website provides informative content, self-support options are limited to a few frequently asked questions, and the blog is not updated as frequently as desired. However, exploring Rightangled’s Facebook page reveals additional contact methods such as telephone and email.

During the period between sending in my sample and receiving my results, I utilized the live chat feature to engage with a support staff member. I inquired about the expected timeframe for my results and whether I could upload my 23andMe raw data in the interim.

Note that it doesn’t appear that you can upload raw DNA from 23andMe anymore.

Initially, it looked like I would be answered by a bot, which asked for my email address. But then – surprisingly since it was before 9 am in the company’s UK location – I received an almost immediate reply from an agent.

Questions to Rightangled's Customer Support Team

The agent said that:

  • I should expect to receive my results within three to four weeks of the lab receiving my sample
  • I would be best advised to access the 23andMe raw DNA data upload service using a different email address (again, it doesn’t look like the website supports this feature anymore)

Around 11 days after sending in my sample, I was concerned that my dashboard was still showing “10% test completion – Registered kit and awaiting return to the lab.” So I asked about it:

Rightangled's Customer Support: Live Chat

I never received a reply to this request but was pleased to see that the progress moved to “50% test completion – Your genes have been decoded,” then “75% test completion – Results awaiting review by the specialist” over the next few days.

Beautifully Simple

Overall, I found everything about this DNA test to be beautifully simple. In many ways, Rightangled gets it right in terms of user experience. Both the website and test kit are intuitive and filled me with confidence. The results are visual and easy to understand. And, if you have questions, live chat support is easy to access.

My biggest complaint is that – depending on what you’re looking for – things might be a little too simple. For example, if you are interested in more than just your cardiovascular health, it might make sense to purchase a health test from Vitagen-X. Or, if you feel like you need more specific direction regarding your diet and fitness, DNAfit could be a better choice for you.

That said, if you have specific concerns about your heart health, this test can provide a lot of helpful information. (With the Wellness Pro test, you can also get a lot more information for just a little bit more cash.) Plus, having oversight from a cardiologist – and the ability to reach out to them with any questions or concerns – could be incredibly valuable.

See Rightangled Deals


How accurate is the test?

Rightangled has partnered with ISO-accredited labs, all of which adhere to the highest standards of quality assurance. According to the company, this technology is at least 99.8% accurate, and measures are taken to limit the risk of both false-positive and false-negative results. After your report is run, it is also reviewed by a partner specialist who will include a personalized assessment and action plan. 

What countries is the test available in?

According to the website, the tests are available worldwide. When you are filling out shipping information on the checkout page, you’ll find that all countries are listed in a dropdown menu.

How much does the test cost?

Rightangled’s tests are competitively priced. You can purchase any of the individual tests (e.g., Heart DNA Test, Intolerance Test, Fitness DNA Test) for around $100. If you decide to purchase Wellness Pro, which combines the reports from all of the previously aforementioned tests, you’ll pay a bit more – but not much.

How does this test compare to betterknown competitors?

Rightangled contains similar reports to what you would get from DNAfit. The difference is that Rightangled is a fair amount cheaper – but also less detailed.

Other competitors, like Everlywell offer very specific tests instead of bundled packages; these also use blood samples to report on your body’s current levels as opposed to genetic predispositions.

Who should consider taking this test?

You should consider taking a test from Rightangled if you are particularly interested in your cardiovascular health (as opposed to a wider range of genetic conditions). You might also want to consider the Wellness Pro package if you have been struggling to meet and maintain your fitness goals. The eight-week personalized training plan combines factors from your lifestyle with your genetics, which can improve your chances of success.

Arvostelemme palveluntarjoajia huolellisen testaamisen ja ennalta määrättyjen kriteerien perusteella, mutta otamme huomioon myös käyttäjäpalautteen sekä omat kaupalliset sopimuksemme. Tämä sivu sisältää affiliate-linkkejä. Learn more.
Tony Loton
Tony Loton
Tony Loton
Tony Loton has been a prolific writer and editor of business, technology and finance books, magazine articles, and corporate content for longer than he cares to say. It's a vocation, not a job!

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